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Partners Introduction

1. Introduction

    If you have at least 1 or 2 friends who love gaming, exploring Cloudsong together can be a lot of fun! Don't miss out on the benefits of having a title when you travel around Revelation. Fortunately, the Partnership feature can help. Let Xiao Yu introduce you to some of the benefits of having partners in Cloudsong: 

    • Receive exclusive partners titles and buff. 
    • Partners anniversary rewards. 
    • Completing daily events adds EXP to the EXP pool for later use.
    • Request/ join team and use interactive emotes without approval. 
    a. Requirements:
    Partner with 2-5 players after reaching level 49 and Friendliness lv 15 with them.  

    Click the highlighted area above to find "Partnership"


    Partnership Interface

    b. Increasing Friendliness:

    Player can increase their Friendliness through:

    (1) Sending messages via Private Chat 

    (2) Sending Gifts 

    (3) Teaming up together for Daily Events such as Spirit Hunt, Dungeon, etc.   

    2. Start Partnering

      Create team   

      Create a team by inviting the players you want to form partnerships with. (The person who initiates the partnership should be the team leader.) 

      Find Qin the Magus NPC  

      After all players have gathered, find NPC Qin the Magnus to start the process of partnering.

      NPC Qin the Magus can be found at the 2nd floor of the Adventure Guild 



      Select “Start Partnering”  


      Leader should select “ Start Partnering” to start

      Discover who will be the senior~

      Enter your birthday to find out who is going to be the senior~ 

      Enter your birthday

      Partner Title

      Only the team leader can set titles for everyone in the team.

      Enter prefix and suffix of titles


      Once all the steps are completed, a Pledge Letter will appear. Players can make a vow to become partners by tapping this area. 

      Click the encircled area to make a vow

      Partnership Interface

      The Partner Interface can be found in the same location as Friends, Covenant, Internship, and Rival features. 

      Partner Interface after players successfully make a vow

      3. Cancel Partners

        To cancel a partnership, visit NPC Qin the Magus at the Adventurers Guild and select the "Cancel Partners" section. 

        Practice Interface

          Click “Confirm”. Cancelling a partnership requires 2,000,000 Nimbus Coupons.

          This is your last chance to consider whether you want to cancel your relationship with your partners :< 

            Xiao Yu hopes that this article has provided adventurers with a broad understanding of the Partner feature. So why not give it a try in Revelation? Xiao Yu believes you will love it!